Metz 54 Mz-4i User Manual

A functional and user-friendly flash unit, the Metz 54 MZ-4i is ideal for use as a fill flash in a variety of photography applications, especially in photojournalism. It offers both manual and automatic modes.

Metz 54 mz-4i manual
Web site:Mecablitz 54 MZ-4i Digital

Relative Power @ 50mm1: 1.8×
Relative Coverage2: 2.0×

Key Features: tilt/swivel/zoom reflector, HSS, rear-curtain sync, auto and manual modes. Modular SCA system.

Reasons to Buy: May be a good choice if you have a second dSLR system (Canon, Nikon, etc.), or else other Metz SCA flashes.

Notable Drawbacks: Pricey. No Pentax P-TTL wireless. Second flash reflector doesn't work in P-TTL.

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Metz 54 mz-4 manual

Metz calls this the flagship of their compact SCA units. It's also the only current compact SCA unit that works with Pentax. It requires the SCA 3702 module for full Pentax compatibility, or can work as Metz-system wireless slave or as an automatic thyristor flash with other modules. There's a a lot of functionality and a lot of power — but the price is high, and as of the current adapter not all flash features (notably, the secondary flash head) work with P-TTL. Note that there is a 54 MZ-4 model (no i), which for Pentax cameras is exactly the same and often easier to find. (The differences apply primarily to Nikon and Olympus.)

More about the Metz Mecablitz 54 MZ-4i Digital can be found on these pages:


Flash Power


Metz 54 mz 4 manual pdf

Including an Amazon link on this page is the easiest way to display the current prices, without having to keep track of it manually or write a more-complicated tracking script. And as a bonus, there's a picture of the flash. Obviously, the ad is also an affiliate link. As with all advertising on this site, I hope it's not too obnoxious.

Metz 54 Mz-4 Manual

1. Relative guide number when used with a normal field of view lens — 50mm on 35mm full frame, or around 35mm on a current Pentax dSLR. The baseline is the Pentax AF360FGZ at 1.0×.

Metz 54 Mz 4 Manual Pdf

2. Composite of power at all zoom angles, as compared to the Pentax AF360FGZ at 1.0×. See full explanation.