Military Technical Manuals. We have original prints of many military vehicle manuals, but we also offer reprints for most military vehicles. Or M939 series 5-ton manual. That price includes shipping to the continental US, and hole punched paper, ready for a.
30 Nov 2002 - This site is intended to supply manuals to official Army personnel and authorized contractors and also will supply some manuals to the public. In order to control the restricted manuals the site requires your browser to have 128 bit encryption capability, even if no user name & password is being used.Recently a second URL was added that is a secure server (https) and some people have better luck using that server.
- Military items shall be directed to the least experienced personnel expected to use it. The reading grade level shall be the level specified by the contracting activity and in accordance with MIL-STD-40051-2 (see 6.2). Abbreviations and acronyms. Abbreviations used throughout the manual shall be in accordance with ASME Y14.38.
- TM Tech Manual. Welcome to, your premiere source for free downloads of government and military standards, specifications, handbooks, and documents. TM 1-1500-204-23-8 (W/ CHANGE-1), TECHNICAL MANUAL: AVIATION UNIT MAINTENANCE (AVUM) AND AVIATION INTERMEDIATE MAINTENANCE (AVIM) MANUAL FOR GENERAL AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE (MACHINE.
So you should have a 128 bit browser and try both servers - Starting about 2003 this started working again
Note: The order of the input windows is different on the two sites, so pay attention to the window titles or you will have zero hits!Are available from The Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA), Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
Note: This site is set up to handle classified documents and REQUIRES >=Netscape 4.05 and 128 bit encryption even if you want a non classified document.
Start at the Electronic Technical Manuals Online page, read the disclaimer and press ACCEPT.
alternate secure connection to LOGSA - some have had problems connecting to the plain http link above.
On the Welcome to... page press ENTER THE SITE (you do not need a password for unclassified manuals)
There are three possible search fields:
PIN Number -Publication ID Number - It is the number that is the file name in the LOGSA system.
TM Number - This is the number of a Technical Manual. Ifyouenter 11-5895-1047 but not the -10 at the end, then you will get a list of all the manuals that start with these numbers.
TM Title Text - If you enter TRS-2(V) you will get a list of all the manuals that contain the string 'TRS-2(V)'.
On the ETM Search Results page there will be box just below the title with the number of documents found and a list with 2 links for each document.
The left link is the PIN. If you hold <shift> and <left Click> the PIN number, Windows will open a file save dialog box to allow you to save the document as a file and the default name will be the PIN. I change the PIN to the full TM number (WIN98).
If you just <left click> the right link (the title) then your browser will open Adobe Acrobat Reader and you can view the document. Note that after viewing if you want to print or save it, you will have to wait for another download, you can save a lot of time by saving the document first. Then off-line double click the document title in Windows Explorer/file manager to view it and change pages very quickly.
Free Military Tech Manuals
Army Technical Intelligence Chronology - ArmyManualsListedin the Bibliography of Scientific and Industrial Reports 1946-1949 -Publications of the Headquarters, United States Army Corps of Engineers -
Maybe only IE can see this site, not Netscape.TM-5 manuals related to the C of E -
Liberated -- Free Military Manuals
Marine Corps
Marine Corps Publications Website - I have not found actual technical manuals, but have found stocklist manuals with NSN numbers.Air Force Manuals
AF Publications - AF Manuals - just general not equipment specificOC-ALC/LGLDT Technical Order Management Section PublicAccess Web Page - contains manuals describing the AF TO system
e-Publishing -
Listing of Classified and Restricted Documents at the Air Force Historical Research Agency - Zipped files containing Excel spreadsheets for about 550,000 documents all over 20 years old as of 2005.
Military Technical Manuals online, free
USAF Technical Order Numbering System.pdf -Air Force History Index - sort of a card catalog to the documents and a procedure to request the document (getting the document may involve a fee)